An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
How much money (liquid cash + assests) do you think LeongSam has?
A) He's not just broke, he's hopelessly buried in insurmountable debt, perpetually hounded by banks, credit companies and loansharks.
B) He's not in debt, but he's more or less broke, barely surviving day to day, always worrying where his next meal will come from.
C) He's got some money, but < Sg$1mil.
D) He's got between Sg$1mil to Sg$10mil.
E) He's got between Sg$10mil to Sg$100mil.
F) He's got between Sg$100mil to Sg$1bil.
G) He's got more than Sg$1bil, a confirmed but humble billionaire.
H) He's got more money than the Government Corporation of Singapore, Temasek Holdings, the Gates, the Zuckerbergs, the Buffetts, the Bransons and the Rothschilds all put together.
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