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Old 02-03-2014, 12:10 AM
B52bomber B52bomber is offline
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The Twin Sisters

Guys, been away for too long and sorry to keep you guys waiting..this story I posted on another site but now decide to bring it over here.

The Twin it goes..

Back in 2006 when devils bar were at the last stage before giving way to St james, on a friday night, after a few galsses of drink, i decide to go and take a look at Dragonfly.

There was a big crowd there at the entrance and i decide to wait for a while and have a puff first by the side of the entrance when the Piblic Relation Manager Ms. Dee saw me and led me into the premises without much hussles.

There were no more available tables and Dee led me to the counter behind the band. She manage to pull up a barstool for me and help me in placing my favorite bottles of Chivas. We had a few drinks before Dee make an excuse to entertain some other guest.

I was facing the barman when suddenly a hand brushes over the side of my face with a coupon.."Gin Tonic please"...the barman could not hear her, i turn over and notice this gals in her mid twenties was standing behind me, as i turn around, i could feel my shoulder come in contact and brushed her cleavage.

me: sorry

she : me sorry hope it did not hurt you.

me: need my help?

she ; yes please

me: gin tonic rite?

she; sorry, i yell to close to you.

me: its ok, the band is louder anyway.

she smile and nod her head, i wave to the the barman and help her to place the order. Taking this opportunity, i extended my hand to her and intro myself. She give me a light handshake .."i am jeanna"

me: Hi Jeanna, nice to meet you.

I mange to get a good look at her, she was putting on a black frame spec and look like a kindergarden teacher..her boobs were not big maybe between A and B..just before i could chat her, the barman came back "sir, your gin tonic"
I pass the drink to Jeanna and she took it and left me leaving a sweet smile and a word..Thanks!

Knn this barman so on the ball and fast..tot can hook her up since i am alone.I carry on drinking alone, looking for potential target. as i was watching the barman trying to make a waterfall for someone seated few chairs away, another hand brushed me again.."gin tonic"

Ho say liao, I turn back and what shock me was Jeana had change her spec into a silver frame.

Me: wow you bring so many spec to change..

no reply as she stared at me..i could not be dreaming..she is Jeanna, i am still sober..just when i was feeling so paiseh when she did not respond to me..Jeana appear behind her..

me: Hi Jeanna you are back

Jeanna: Hi

Me: this....pointing to the gal with the silver frame spec

Jeanna smile : let me intro you, this my sister Jeanne

me: no wonder..i was thinking did i see something earlier

Jeanna: you siao arh...she is my elder sister

Jeanne: she is 10 minutes my junior..

me: no wonder look so much alikes..

I invited both of them to drink with me after they finished sharring their gin tonic

me: want some chivas

Jeanna: Ok, by the way you comes here often?

me: this my first time here

Jeanna: same here, this place is too crowded, but the music is good.

me: heard they have a KTV here too.

Jeanne: ya heard of that...but do you know where is it.

me: let me check it out.

I send a sms to Kacey (ex devils staff subsconded here as the KTV manager)

soon a relied came from kacey "where you? take the spiral staircase near the locker up to 2 flr...i wait for you.

I did not replied Kacey immediately, so i ask Jeanna if they are interested in going to the KTV and they agreed without a second tots. I sms to Kacey and we were at the KTV room with 5 minutes with comfort cushion seat..and less noisy..but most of all back in my mind..i was hopping to up this pair of twin sister..
Old 02-03-2014, 12:29 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

camping liaoo
Old 02-03-2014, 12:59 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Bringing back my old days at dragonfly (that explain my nick). camping here with chivas for adventure from one of mine favorite writer in sbf.
Old 02-03-2014, 01:48 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

ah miss thoes days in devils
Old 02-03-2014, 07:18 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Camping here for more updates... miss those clubbing used to be more fun... maybe i'm getting older...
Hope to exchange points with those interested. Thank u.
Old 02-03-2014, 11:39 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Nice start. Camping here with my gears
Old 02-03-2014, 11:39 AM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Welcome back bro! It's been a long time....
Old 02-03-2014, 12:19 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Thank for story
Old 02-03-2014, 12:19 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Camping for next
It's not the sex alone but the excitement of doing things dangerous and get away with it!
Old 02-03-2014, 12:21 PM
sheelayueng sheelayueng is offline
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Re: The Twin Sisters

are these real or fake stories?
Old 02-03-2014, 01:53 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

haha start to camp here le hope there pic at there
To be not To be That is the QUESTION
Old 02-03-2014, 03:04 PM
B52bomber B52bomber is offline
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Kacey : boss can I take your order ? Or just regular drinks as usual?

Me:mmmmm can I transfer the bottle from the bar to here?

Kacey: Aiyoh sure can la..but I need your support also

Me: hahaha I know what to do la, transfers the bottle up and get me a bottle of Gin

Kacey : Blue Sapphire ?

Me : anything you recommend will do.

Jeanne: hello you big customer here are?

Me :no la, they good to customer la

Jeanna: she seems very close to you

Me: how do you define "close"

Jeanne: means very friendly like knows you very well.....

Me: wow look like I gonna have a hard time here.

Jeanna : can you define what is "hard time here"

Jeanne: ya can you define that,! Hahahahahaha

Me: I need to have two brain to handle both of you, I pose a question to A but B answer.. How to handle orh... Sure cannot tahan de la

Jeanna and Jeanne : you forget we are twins? Hahahahahaha

Me: just curious here since both are twins.

Both : shoot

Me: huh so fast you want me to shoot Liao arh? Me not yet warm up la

Both : you Siao arh.. We ask you to go ahead with your curiosity

Me: my curiosity many many de la.. Examples, do you gals likes to do the same thing, eat same kind of food, listen to same kind of music, same hobby , same same same in many many ways...

Jeanne : can says that when we are young , but as we age we differ a little

Me: what about any tot of having the same boyfriend / husband

Jeanna: actually when we were young, we do have some kind of that same feeling

Me: so when one fall sick the other one felt the same

Jeanne: yup just don't feel good, but when we were kid, we both sick at same time

Kacey came back with the drinks and mixers and began to pour us drinks while Jeanne received a message and was busy replying

Kacey: I have ordered some finger food

Me: ok thanks but I prefer pussy food..hahahahahaha ( I did this on purpose to test see what was the twins reaction) can see a little uncomforted on Jeanna face reaction

Kacey : always enjoyed your jokes, anyway it's on me, just come back for more support.

Me: sure, but before you go out of this room lets drinks a glass first.

Kacey : ok

So one round goes.. All bottoms up and kacey left the room

Jeanne : can my friends join us?

Me: can why not , but no guys hor

Jeanna: wow looks like our friend here only interested in female only.

Me: I have my reasons , first I dun want to have unnecessary trouble if those guys drunk , secondly some guys become aggressive and more troubles

Jeanna : sound logical.

Jeanne: so I ask them come hor

Me: as long as they are females

Jeanne : you shall see later sure happy happy de cos they good drink Kakis

Me: wow looks like you gals drink often hor, got Kakis some more... How many of them coming?

Jeanne: 5 ladies

Me: wow.. Twins already have hard time now another 5....( anyway the more the merrier, can pick and choose, some easy one can Makan first, those difficult type may need a little extra effort to cox them in...the trap cage lid is always open after all
Old 02-03-2014, 03:25 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Originally Posted by sheelayueng View Post
are these real or fake stories?
This are real life encounter, just hope you are not one of the PM me if you think you might me one of those ladies in the story and hope I can make a little detour to avoid having you in the picture

Old 02-03-2014, 03:28 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Originally Posted by 8citin9 View Post
Welcome back bro! It's been a long time....
Hi bro, it been a long time cos I was down ( tga) for sometime.. Now living healthy life style, no clubbing, drinking ...just holidaying , fishing and photography....Hope everything is well on your side

Old 02-03-2014, 03:29 PM
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Re: The Twin Sisters

Originally Posted by shawy View Post
haha start to camp here le hope there pic at there
Sorry picture in this post
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