An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
That the government still has the audacity to come out with something as hypocritical, contradictory and two-faced, just so that they can hide their secret agenda, is disgusting and downright despicable. Can you imagine how in the face of strong public anger and resistance, that the government still has the thickness of the skin to continue to want to contort the truth for their own benefits?
Finally, there’s still one very important question left unanswered – why has the PAP put themselves in the government and the GIC and can claim that they do not know how our CPF is being used by the GIC? What are they trying to hide?
But do you know why they are defending their version of the CPF so relentlessly. The CPF is the crux for which their whole entrapment plan against Singaporeans lie. Once the truth about the CPF is clearly exposed and open for all the see, their whole pack of cards fall. And so they will fight tooth and nail to discredit this blog.
Of course, there are those affiliated to the PAP who pursues that I am the one who is contorting the truth.
Well, the information is all out there. I know that at night, I can sleep well, knowing I have acted with my conscience clear. I will leave it for Singaporeans to mull over it. But when we are ready, it’s time to stand up to fight for our freedoms and to protect ourselves.
Aside, I do pity the copywriters of the government’s article. I cannot imagine what they must have had to put through to create the article, knowing how much they would have had to self-censor themselves from the truth.
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