An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The graffiti from the 5 young men was to send messages to PAP of their concern of various issues with incompetent PAP handling of Singapore. It concerned every Singaporeans as a whole.
With the support of netizens funding their legal fee and provide legal input, arguments and present the case as warning to PAP, the case can be treated as a warning to the ruling party.
Their message was not intimidating to qualify harsh punishment. The message was targeting the people of local Singaporeans, something which Singaporeans shared their views on the recent incompetent PAP policies conflict of interest with Singaporeans.
The most is only a small fine pay for the repainting cost and no prison term whatsoever. Their 2 years of NSF is not going to waste of time and abused by PAP for slave labor fuck shit marching in NDP.
Anything more than is a warning to PAP they will become opposition party or lose more GRCs come GE2016. Stand up and listen to the people, LHL!
If not lure LHL into an open debate, or another Singapore Conversation, and let the boys speak their minds in front of him, and tell us why they want to do it and their cause 英雄好汉 attribute to Singapore future.
These boys are the future of Singapore.
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