An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Chris K:
A retired German engineer told me last month that he could not believe that a first world infrastructure is being serviced and maintained by cheap third world workers. They do not have the necessary skills or standards of diligence, he said. Can’t but keep laughing these days as these apologists are scrapping the bottom of the barrel by comparing us to third world standards in their pathetic attempts to hold up the government’s well-remunerated posteriors.
The above joke was posted by Chris K in TRE. Let me reword the above quotes to apply to the 1st World Singapore. Some super talented politicians here said this 1st World city must import 3rd World talents to run its 1st World banking and finance and IT industries. And they have the necessary skills and standards of diligence to take over from the 1st World Singaporeans.
And some also said, the 3rd World talents are here to help the 1st World talents and to create jobs for them.
And some 3rd World recruiting agencies were quoted to have said they could not find the talents needed for this 1st World city from its 1st World talent pool, graduated from its world class 1st World universities, but could find all the talents from 3rd World countries with the skill sets and experience to fill the 1st World jobs in this 1st World city. And none of the first world super talents would stand up to object to this silly thought. Maybe they agee and believe that it is not silly.
Now tell me which is the better joke?
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