An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
After the Renci and. Ciry Harvest scandals I hope the Commissioner of Charities learns some valuable lessons from these 2 scandals. The COC posts and powers were completely revamped after Durai made a fool of the. Deputy Secretary of Ministry of Health and Lim Hng Kiang was found wanting after his statement in. Parliament about the veracity of claims by NKF.
1. All new churches and religious bodies of non mainstream sects know that their charity arm pulls in more money and donations from members as well s non members. The actual expenditure and intent of donation cannot be easily reconciled. There are no public disclosures and there is regulations that stipulates this. So the sum that City. Harvest collected for the Haiti disaster on which much publicity was accorded to the Kong's wife cannot be accounted for.
2. Kong's wife has made many claims suggesting personal donations but these cannot be verified.
3. Use of multiple accounts and channel for contributions does not make it easy for anyone to be certain that their contributions are going to the right bucket as the lines are unclear.
4. A core set of individuals appear to be running the show both in an official and unofficial capacity but clearly directing actions has surfaced in the CHC trials when thy should have been kept at arms length is a concern. It completely destroys any form of governance both internally and those that are required as statutory requirements.
I am certain that the same has been going in other similar organisations and despite warnings from people like Ronald Poon the authorities are slow to act.
The fact that the prosecution refused yo reveal the FIR suggest that like the NKF where someone influential like Willy Shee had to step, in the case of CHC something similar must have occurred.
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