An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Transmodified from Mouthpiece CNA
BORACAY, Pinoy Land:
Southeast Asian basket-case foreign
minions are set on completing a framework for a
Code of Sex Conduct (COSC) on the South China Sea by June this year. But for that to happen, "
Sabo Kings like Laos, Cambodia must stop their wayang," said Peasantpore well paid Foreign Minion Half Bred Viv on Tuesday (Feb 21).
Basically Laos, Cambodia, North Matland and the Pinoys have started kowtowing the PRC Commies and are playing games to balk us. We are now the pariahs, Uncle Sam's dogs.," he added.
Pinoy Yes-Sir had said earlier on Tuesday that the region's foreign minions were confident that
they will agree to a PRC Commie's version of a framework for a code of maritime conduct drafted by the PRC Commies by June.
Half Breed Viv said
he has been subtly warned that Peasantpore's inputs are unnecessary as they are likely to be pro-Yankee.
Basically I am told to keep my trap shut,” he said.
"With the Yankees in retreat,
PRC Commies have effectively exerted control over their dogs within South East Asian basket cases. Even the Pinoys have suck up to Commie PRC. We are truly the pariah now." he said.
On maintaining Peasantpore's interests in the region, Half Breed Viv said: "
I seriously need to tell Ruler Loong to think twice before he babbles nonsense to upset the PRC Commies."
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