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An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Only Reagan survived assassination all the rest killed. http://world.163.com/13/1122/08/9E97...14OQQ_all.html 盘点9位遇刺美国总统(全文) 2013-11-22 08:32:16 来源: 网易环球眼(北京) 0 易信 微信 QQ空间 微博 更多 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 美国第7位总统安德鲁.杰克逊 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 美国第16位总统亚伯拉罕.林肯 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第20位总统詹姆斯.艾布拉姆.加菲尔德 今天是美国第35位总统肯尼迪遇刺50周年纪念日,历史上,美国总统遇刺几乎成为一个传统诅咒 ,细细算来, 共有9位总统曾遭遇暗杀,其中有4位因此丧生。 1. 1835年1月30日,美国第7位总统安德鲁.杰克逊(1767―1845,曾于1828年和1832 年蝉 联两届总统)在华盛顿国会山的圆形大厅准备参加一个葬礼时,一个名叫理查德.劳伦斯的“精神失 常”的油漆匠 (他自称是英国王位的合法继承人),在距杰克逊不过6英尺的地方,用两把手枪射击总统,但两枪都 未打中,杰 克逊丝毫未受伤。安德鲁.杰克逊是美国历史上第一位遇刺的总统。 2. 美国第16位总统亚伯拉罕.林肯(1809―1865,1861年和1864年连任总统)是美 国第一位遇刺 身亡的总统.林肯被美国人称为"最佳总统".1862年,林肯总统发表《解放黑人奴隶宣言》, 他坚决主张废 除奴隶制,并领导联邦政府和军队击败了南方种植园主的武装叛乱.这场战争即著名的美国南北战争 。林肯支持全 美国永远废除奴隶制的言论和行为受到了美国人民尤其是黑人的拥戴,却遭到南方奴隶制维护者的极 大憎恨。18 64年林肯在总统连任竞选中获胜.1865年4月14日,林肯参加为庆祝南北战争胜利的活动去福特 剧院看戏 时,演员威尔克斯.布恩在包厢后射击,击中林肯头部。布恩受伤逃到弗吉尼亚一座燃烧的谷仓中, 被联邦军队拖 出,重伤致死,同谋的三男一女被处决.林肯于次日凌晨死去。 3.第二名死于枪下的总统是詹姆斯.艾布拉姆.加菲尔德(1831―1881, 美国第20位总统)。他是共和党提名大会上的折衷人选,在党内派别相互妥协的情况下于1880 年当选的总统 .加尔菲德一直成为共和党内两派的争夺者,而他本人也态度暧昧.由于对官职分配不均,1881年 7月2日, 加菲尔德在华盛顿一个火车站上被共和党顽固派分子查尔斯.吉托开枪吉中,9月19日,加菲尔德 不治身亡。吉 托于次年被处绞刑。 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第25位总统威廉.麦金莱总统 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第26位总统富兰克林.罗斯福 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第33任总统哈里.杜鲁门 4. 1901年9月6日,年轻的无政府主义者利昂.乔尔戈什趁威廉.麦金莱总统(1843―1901,第2 5位 总统,1896年当选)于纽约布法罗举行的泛美博览会上与人握手之际,开枪击中总统。8天后麦 金莱身亡。虽 然总统在被抬上救护车前还断断续续他说"不要伤害他",但凶手还是于当年12月被电刑处死。 5. 1933年2月15日,富兰克林.罗斯福总统(1858―1919,第26任总统, 1901年接任总统,1904年当选)在迈阿密发表演说,凶手赞加拉连发5枪,但均未击中总统。 6. 1950年11月1日,两个波多黎各人企图冲进哈里.杜鲁门总统(1884 ―1972,1944年当选的第33任总统)当时居住的布莱尔饭店行刺,一名刺客被警卫当场打死 ,总统安然 无恙。 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第35位总统约翰.肯尼迪 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 第38位总统福特和邓小平 盘点9位遇刺美国总统 7. 第35位总统约翰.肯尼迪(1917―1963,1960年当选)是美国寿命最短的总统。19 63年11月 22日,肯尼迪的车队通过达拉斯市区,被狙击者开枪打中。凶手是谁以及暗杀细节至今说法不一。他的 假定刺客 两夭后在监狱中被杀。肯尼迪之死成为历史上的一个谜。 8. 1975年9月5日和22日,福特总统(1913生,第38位总统,1974年接任"水门事件"中辞职 的尼 克松总统)竞选连任期间,在加州的萨克拉门托和旧金山先后被两名妇女用枪行刺,均未遂。从此福 特穿上防弹背 心继续竞选旅行。 9. 1981年3月30日,罗纳德.里根(美国第40位总统,1980年和1984年两届连任)在华盛顿希 尔顿 饭店门前发表演说时,被一名白人青年欣克利开枪射中左胸,欣克利在接受审判时,被医生诊断患有 精神分裂症, 后被免罪送入精神病院,半年后出院.据说欣克利向好莱坞女影星朱迪.福斯特求爱不成,从电影中 受到启发而行 刺总统的。里根被抢救治愈。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...mpts_and_plots List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Assassination attempts and plots on Presidents of the United States have been numerous: more than 30 attempts to kill sitting and former presidents and presidents-elect are known. Four sitting presidents have been killed, all of them by gunshot: Abraham Lincoln (the 16th President), James A. Garfield (the 20th President), William McKinley (the 25th President) and John F. Kennedy (the 35th President). Two presidents were injured in attempted assassinations, also by gunshot: Theodore Roosevelt (the 26th President) and Ronald Reagan (the 40th President). Although the historian James W. Clarke has suggested that most American assassinations were politically motivated actions, carried out by rational men,[1] not all such attacks have been undertaken for political reasons.[2] Some attackers had questionable mental stability, and a few were judged legally insane.[3][4] Since the Vice President of the United States has for more than a century been elected from the same political party as the President, the assassination of the President is unlikely to result in major policy changes. This may explain why political groups typically do not make such attacks.[5] Contents 1 Presidents assassinated 1.1 Abraham Lincoln 1.2 James A. Garfield 1.3 William McKinley 1.4 John F. Kennedy 2 Assassination plots and attempts 2.1 Andrew Jackson 2.2 Abraham Lincoln 2.3 William Howard Taft 2.4 Theodore Roosevelt 2.5 Herbert Hoover 2.6 Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.7 Harry S Truman 2.8 John F. Kennedy 2.9 Richard Nixon 2.10 Gerald Ford 2.11 Jimmy Carter 2.12 Ronald Reagan 2.13 George H. W. Bush 2.14 Bill Clinton 2.15 George W. Bush 2.16 Barack Obama 3 Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations 3.1 Zachary Taylor 3.2 Warren G. Harding 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References Presidents assassinated Abraham Lincoln Main article: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln The assassination of President Lincoln took place on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, at approximately 10:15 p.m. Lincoln was shot once in the back of his head with a .44 caliber Derringer pistol by actor and Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth while watching the play Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., with his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, and two guests. Major Henry Rathbone tried to stop Booth from escaping, but Booth stabbed him in the chest and slashed his arm to the bone with a dagger that he was also carrying. Soon after Lincoln was shot, his wound was declared to be fatal. The unconscious President was then carried across the street from the theater to the Petersen House, where he remained in a coma for nine hours before dying the following morning at 7:22 a.m. on April 15.[6] Booth was tracked down by Union soldiers and was shot and killed by Sergeant Boston Corbett on April 26, 1865. Booth apparently believed that killing Lincoln would radically change U.S. policy toward the South. Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William H. Seward were targeted in the same plot. However, Johnson's would-be assassin, George Atzerodt, lost his nerve and failed to go through with the attack, while Lewis Powell, who was assigned to kill Seward, was only able to inflict largely superficial injuries due to a combination of his gun misfiring and intervention from Seward's family. James A. Garfield Main article: Assassination of James A. Garfield The assassination of President Garfield took place in Washington, D.C., at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 2, 1881, less than four months after he took office. Charles J. Guiteau shot him twice, once in his right arm and once in his back, with a .442 Webley British Bulldog revolver, as the president was arriving at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station. Garfield died 11 weeks later, on September 19, 1881, at 10:35 p.m., of complications caused by infections. Guiteau was immediately arrested. After a highly publicized trial lasting from November 14, 1881 to January 25, 1882, he was found guilty and sentenced to death. A subsequent appeal was rejected, and he was executed by hanging on June 30, 1882 in the District of Columbia, two days before the first anniversary of the attempt. Guiteau was assessed during his trial as mentally unbalanced and possibly suffered from some kind of bipolar disorder or from the effects of syphilis on the brain. He claimed to have shot Garfield out of disappointment for being passed over for appointment as Ambassador to France. He attributed the president's victory in the election to a speech he wrote in support of Garfield.[7] William McKinley Main article: Assassination of William McKinley The assassination of President McKinley took place at 4:07 p.m. on Friday, September 6, 1901, at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York. McKinley, attending the Pan-American Exposition, was shot twice in the abdomen at close range by Leon Czolgosz, a self-proclaimed anarchist, who was armed with a .32 caliber revolver wrapped up in what seemed to be a bandage. The first bullet ricocheted off either a button or an award medal on McKinley's jacket and lodged in his sleeve but the second shot pierced his stomach. McKinley died seven days later, on September 14, 1901, at 2:15 a.m, after his condition rapidly declined. Members of the crowd captured and subdued Czolgosz. Afterward, the 4th Brigade, National Guard Signal Corps, and police intervened, beating Czolgosz so severely it was initially thought he might not live to stand trial. On September 24, after a rushed, two-day trial in state court, Czolgosz was sentenced to death. He was executed by electric chair in Auburn Prison on October 29, 1901. Czolgosz's actions were politically motivated, although it remains unclear what outcome if any he believed the shooting would yield. Following the assassination of President William McKinley, Congress directed the Secret Service to protect the President of the United States as part of its mandate. John F. Kennedy Main article: Assassination of John F. Kennedy The assassination of President Kennedy took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, at 12:30 p.m. CST (18:30 UTC). Kennedy was fatally shot twice through his neck and his head by a sniper while riding with his wife Jacqueline in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. He was officially declared dead 30 minutes after the shooting at Parkland Memorial Hospital, but he was effectively brain dead instantly.[8] Texas Governor John Connally, who was sitting in front of Kennedy, was also wounded in the shooting but survived. The assassination was filmed by Dallas dressmaker Abraham Zapruder. Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza, and a former U.S. Marine with Marxist beliefs, was arrested shortly after at the Texas Theater after agents found his rifle with shell casings on the sixth floor of the Depository. Oswald was originally arrested for killing Dallas Police officer J. D. Tippit after the assassination. At 11:21 a.m. Sunday, November 24, 1963, while he was handcuffed to Detective Jim Leavelle and as he was about to be taken to the Dallas County Jail, Oswald was shot and fatally wounded in the basement of Dallas Police Headquarters by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub operator who said that he had been distraught over the Kennedy assassination. The shooting by Ruby was televised, as Oswald's transfer was being covered by the media. Oswald was taken unconscious by ambulance to Parkland Memorial Hospital where he died at 1:07 p.m.. Ruby was convicted of Oswald's murder and died in prison in 1967. The ten-month investigation of the Warren Commission of 1963–1964 concluded that President Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald and that Oswald had acted entirely alone. They also concluded that Jack Ruby acted alone when he killed Oswald before he could stand trial. Nonetheless, polls conducted from 1966 to 2004 found that as many as 80 percent of Americans have suspected that there was a plot or cover-up.[9][10] Doubts and conspiracy theories continue to persist. Assassination plots and attempts Andrew Jackson Illustration of Jackson's attempted assassination January 30, 1835: Just outside the Capitol Building, a house painter named Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot Jackson with two pistols, both of which misfired. Lawrence was apprehended after Jackson beat him severely with his cane. Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and confined to a mental institution until his death in 1861.[11] Abraham Lincoln February 23, 1861: The Baltimore Plot was an alleged conspiracy to assassinate President-elect Abraham Lincoln en route to his inauguration. Allan Pinkerton's National Detective Agency played a key role in protecting the president-elect by managing Lincoln's security throughout the journey. Though scholars debate whether the threat was real, Lincoln and his advisers took actions to ensure his safe passage through Baltimore. August 1864: A lone rifle shot fired by an unknown sniper missed Lincoln's head by inches (passing through his hat) as he rode in the late evening, unguarded, north from the White House three miles to the Soldiers' Home (his regular retreat where he would work and sleep before returning to the White House the following morning). Near 11:00 pm, Private John W. Nichols of the Pennsylvania 150th Volunteers, the sentry on duty at the gated entrance to the Soldiers' Home grounds, heard the rifle shot and moments later saw the president riding toward him "bareheaded". Lincoln described the matter to Ward Lamon, his old friend and loyal bodyguard.[12][13] William Howard Taft William Taft and Porfirio Díaz, historic first presidential summit, Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, October 16, 1909. In 1909, Taft and Porfirio Díaz planned a summit in El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, a historic first meeting between a U.S. president and a Mexican president and also the first time an American president would cross the border into Mexico.[14] Diaz requested the meeting to show U.S. support for his planned eighth run as president, and Taft agreed to support Diaz in order to protect the several billion dollars of American capital then invested in Mexico.[15] Both sides agreed that the disputed Chamizal strip connecting El Paso to Ciudad Juárez would be considered neutral territory with no flags present during the summit, but the meeting focused attention on this territory and resulted in assassination threats and other serious security concerns.[16] The Texas Rangers, 4,000 U.S. and Mexican troops, U.S. Secret Service agents, FBI agents and U.S. Marshals were all called in to provide security.[17] An additional 250 private security detail led by Frederick Russell Burnham, the celebrated scout, was hired by John Hays Hammond. Hammond was a close friend of Taft from Yale and a former candidate for U.S. Vice-President in 1908 who, along with his business partner Burnham, held considerable mining interests in Mexico.[18][19][20] On October 16, the day of the summit, Burnham and Private C.R. Moore, a Texas Ranger, discovered a man holding a concealed palm pistol standing at the El Paso Chamber of Commerce building along the procession route.[21] Burnham and Moore captured and disarmed the would-be assassin within only a few feet of Taft and Díaz.[22] Theodore Roosevelt October 14, 1912: Three and a half years after he left office, Roosevelt was running for President as a member of the Progressive Party. Before a campaign speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, John F. Schrank, a saloon-keeper from New York who had been stalking him for weeks, shot Roosevelt once in the chest with a .38-caliber Colt Police Positive Special revolver. The 50-page text of his campaign speech folded over twice in Roosevelt's breast pocket and a metal glasses case slowed the bullet, saving his life. Schrank was immediately disarmed, captured and might have been lynched had Roosevelt not shouted for Schrank to remain unharmed.[23] After discerning he was not mortally wounded, Roosevelt finished his speech with the bullet still lodged in his chest.[24] Afterwards, he went to a nearby hospital, where the bullet was found between his ribs. Doctors decided it would be too risky to remove it, so the bullet remained in Roosevelt's body for the rest of his life. He spent two weeks recuperating before returning to the campaign trail. Despite his tenacity, Roosevelt ultimately lost his bid for reelection.[25] At Schrank's trial, the would-be assassin claimed that William McKinley had visited him in a dream and told him to avenge his assassination by killing Roosevelt. He was found legally insane and was institutionalized until his death in 1943.[26] Herbert Hoover On November 19, 1928,[27] President-elect Hoover embarked on a ten-nation "goodwill tour" of Central and South America.[28] While crossing the Andes mountains from Chile, an assassination plot by Argentine anarchists was thwarted. The group was led by Severino Di Giovanni, who planned to blow up his train as it crossed the Argentinian central plain. The plotters had an itinerary but the bomber was arrested before he could place the explosives on the rails. Hoover professed unconcern, tearing off the front page of a newspaper that revealed the plot and explaining, "It's just as well that Lou shouldn't see it,"[29] referring to his wife. His complimentary remarks on Argentina were well received in both the host country and in the press.[30] Franklin D. Roosevelt On February 15, 1933, in Miami, Florida, Giuseppe Zangara fired five shots at Roosevelt. The assassination attempt occurred just 17 days before Roosevelt's first presidential inauguration. Although Zangara did not wound the President–elect, he did kill Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak and wounded five other people. Zangara was found guilty of murder and was executed on March 20, 1933. It has never been determined who was Zangara's target, and most assumed at first that he had been shooting at the President. Another theory, however, holds that Cermak had been the intended victim, in retribution for his shooting of Chicago mob boss Frank Nitti, and that his death may have been ordered by the imprisoned Al Capone.[31][32] Soviet authorities claimed to have discovered a German plan to assassinate Roosevelt at the upcoming Tehran Conference in 1943.[33] Harry S Truman In the summer of 1947, pending the independence of Israel, the Zionist Stern Gang was believed to have sent a number of letter bombs addressed to the president and high-ranking staff at the White House. The Secret Service had been alerted by British intelligence after similar letters had been sent to high-ranking British officials and the Gang claimed credit.The mail room of the White House intercepted the letters and the Secret Service defused them. At the time, the incident was not publicized. Truman's daughter Margaret confirmed the incident in her biography of Truman published in 1972. It had earlier been told in a memoir by Ira R.T. Smith, who worked in the mail room.[34] Main article: Attempted assassination of Harry S. Truman On November 1, 1950, two Puerto Rican pro-independence activists, Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, attempted to kill Truman at the Blair House, where Truman lived while the White House was being renovated. In the attack, Torresola mortally wounded White House Policeman Leslie Coffelt, who killed the attacker with a shot to the head. Torresola also wounded White House Policeman Joseph Downs. Collazo wounded another officer, and survived with serious injuries. Truman was not harmed, but he was placed at a huge risk. He commuted Collazo's death sentence after conviction in a federal trial to life in prison. In 1979, President Jimmy Carter commuted it to time served.[35] John F. Kennedy December 11, 1960: While vacationing in Palm Beach, Florida, President-elect John F. Kennedy was threatened by Richard Paul Pavlick, a 73-year-old former postal worker driven by hatred of Catholics. Pavlick intended to crash his dynamite-laden 1950 Buick into Kennedy's vehicle, but he changed his mind after seeing Kennedy's wife and daughter bid him goodbye.[36] Pavlick was arrested three days later by the Secret Service after being stopped for a driving violation; police found the dynamite in his car. Pavlick spent the next six years in both federal prison and mental institutions before being released in December 1966, three years after Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in November 1963. Richard Nixon April 13, 1972: Arthur Bremer carried a firearm to an event intending to shoot Nixon, but was put off by strong security. A few weeks later, he instead shot and seriously injured the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace, who was paralyzed for the rest of his life until his death in 1998. Three other people were unintentionally wounded. February 22, 1974: Samuel Byck planned to kill Nixon by crashing a commercial airliner into the White House.[37] He hijacked the plane on the ground by force after killing a police officer, and was told that it could not take off with the wheel blocks still in place. After he shot both pilots (one later died), an officer shot Byck through the plane's door window. He survived long enough to kill himself by shooting. These events were portrayed in the film The Assassination of Richard Nixon. Gerald Ford Main articles: attempt in Sacramento (Lynette Fromme) and attempt in San Francisco (Sara Jane Moore) September 5, 1975: On the northern grounds of the California State Capitol, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, drew a Colt M1911 .45 caliber pistol on Ford when he reached to shake her hand in a crowd. She had four cartridges in the pistol's magazine but none in the firing chamber, and as a result, the gun did not fire. She was quickly restrained by Secret Service agent Larry Buendorf. Fromme was sentenced to life in prison, but was released from custody on August 14, 2009 (two years and 8 months after Ford's death in 2006).[38] September 22, 1975: In San Francisco, California, only 17 days after Fromme's attempt, Sara Jane Moore fired a revolver at Ford from 40 feet (12 m) away.[39] A bystander, Oliver Sipple, grabbed Moore's arm and the shot missed Ford, striking a building wall and slightly injuring taxi driver John Ludwig.[40] Moore was tried and convicted in federal court, and sentenced to prison for life. She was paroled from a federal prison on December 31, 2007 after serving more than 30 years, one year and five days after Ford's natural death. Jimmy Carter Raymond Lee Harvey was an Ohio-born unemployed American drifter. He was arrested by the Secret Service after being found carrying a starter pistol with blank rounds, ten minutes before Carter was to give a speech at the Civic Center Mall in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979. Harvey had a history of mental illness,[41] but police had to investigate his claim that he was part of a four-man operation to assassinate the president.[42] According to Harvey, he fired seven blank rounds from the starter pistol on the hotel roof on the night of May 4 to test how much noise it would make. He claimed to have been with one of the plotters that night, whom he knew as "Julio". (This man was later identified as a 21-year-old illegal immigrant from Mexico, who gave the name Osvaldo Espinoza Ortiz.)[41] At the time of his arrest, Harvey had eight spent rounds in his pocket, as well as 70 unspent blank rounds for the gun.[43] Harvey was jailed on a $50,000 bond, given his transient status, and Ortiz was alternately reported as being held on a $100,000 bond as a material witness[41] or held on a $50,000 bond being charged with burglary from a car.[43] Charges against the pair were ultimately dismissed for a lack of evidence.[44] John Hinckley, Jr. came close to shooting Carter during his re-election campaign, but he lost his nerve. He would later attempt to kill President Ronald Reagan in March, 1981. Ronald Reagan Main article: Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan On March 30, 1981, as Ronald Reagan returned to his presidential limousine after a speech at the Washington Hilton hotel in Washington, D.C., he and three other men were shot and wounded by John Hinckley, Jr. Reagan was struck by a single bullet that broke a rib, punctured a lung, and caused serious internal bleeding. He was rushed to nearby George Washington University Hospital for emergency surgery and was then hospitalized for about two weeks. Upon release, he resumed a light workload for several months as he recovered. Hinckley was immediately subdued and arrested at the scene. Later, he claimed to have wanted to kill the president to impress the teen actress Jodie Foster. He was deemed mentally ill and was confined to an institution. Besides Reagan, White House Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy, and D.C. police officer Thomas Delahanty were also wounded in the attack. All three survived, but Brady suffered brain damage and was permanently disabled, and he died in August 2014. His death was determined to be homicide because it was ultimately caused by the injury received in 1981.[45] Hinckley was released from institutional psychiatric care at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington, D.C., on September 10, 2016. George H. W. Bush April 13, 1993: Fourteen men believed to be working for Saddam Hussein smuggled bombs into Kuwait, planning to assassinate former President Bush by a car bomb during his visit to Kuwait University three months after he had left office (in January 1993).[46] The plot was foiled when Kuwaiti officials found the bomb and arrested the suspected assassins. Two of the suspects, Wali Abdelhadi Ghazali and Raad Abdel-Amir al-Assadi, retracted their confessions at the trial, claiming that they were coerced.[47] There is evidence that the Iraqi Intelligence Service, particularly Directorate 14, was behind the plot.[48] Then-president Bill Clinton responded by launching a cruise missile attack on an Iraqi intelligence building in Baghdad. Bill Clinton January 21, 1994: Ronald Gene Barbour, a retired military officer and freelance writer, plotted to kill Clinton while the President was jogging. Barbour returned to Florida a week later without having fired the shots at the president, who was on a state visit to Russia.[49] Barbour was sentenced to five years in prison and was released in 1998. September 12, 1994: Frank Eugene Corder flew a stolen single-engine Cessna onto the White House lawn and crashed into a tree. Corder, a truck driver from Maryland who reportedly had alcohol problems, allegedly tried to hit the White House. He was killed in the crash. The President and First Family were not home at the time.[50] October 29, 1994: Francisco Martin Duran fired at least 29 shots with a semi-automatic rifle at the White House from a fence overlooking the north lawn, thinking that Clinton was among the men in dark suits standing there (Clinton was inside). Three tourists, Harry Rakosky, Ken Davis and Robert Haines, tackled Duran before he could injure anyone. Found with a suicide note in his pocket, Duran was sentenced to 40 years in prison.[51] 1996: During his visit to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Manila in 1996, Clinton's motorcade was rerouted before it was to drive over a bridge. Service officers had intercepted a message suggesting that an attack was imminent, and Lewis Merletti, the director of the Secret Service, ordered the motorcade to be re-routed. An intelligence team later discovered a bomb under the bridge. Subsequent U.S. investigation "revealed that [the plot] was masterminded by a Saudi terrorist living in Afghanistan named Osama bin Laden".[52][unreliable source?] George W. Bush February 7, 2001: While President George W. Bush was in the White House, Robert Pickett, standing outside the perimeter fence, discharged a number of shots from a weapon in the direction of the White House. He was sentenced to three years in prison.[53] This attempt happened less than a month after he took office. May 10, 2005: While President Bush was giving a speech in the Freedom Square in Tbilisi, Georgia, Vladimir Arutyunian threw a live Soviet-made RGD-5 hand grenade toward the podium. The grenade had its pin pulled, but did not explode because a red tartan handkerchief was wrapped tightly around it, preventing the safety lever from detaching.[54] After escaping that day, Arutyunian was arrested in July 2005. During his arrest, he killed an Interior Ministry agent. He was convicted in January 2006 and given a life sentence.[55][56] Barack Obama Main article: Assassination threats against Barack Obama April 2009: A plot to assassinate Obama at the Alliance of Civilizations summit in Istanbul, Turkey was discovered after a man of Syrian origins carrying forged Al-Jazeera TV press credentials was found. The man confessed to the Turkish security services details of his plan to kill Obama with a knife with three alleged accomplices.[57] November 2011: Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a man who believed he was Jesus and that Obama was the Antichrist, hit the White House with several rounds fired from a semi-automatic rifle. No one was injured. However, a window was broken.[58] He was sentenced to 25 years in prison.[59] April 2013: Another attempt was made when a letter laced with ricin, a deadly poison, was sent to President Obama.[60] Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations Zachary Taylor On July 4, 1850, President Zachary Taylor fell ill and was diagnosed by his physicians with cholera morbus, a term that included diarrhea and dysentery but not true cholera. Cholera, typhoid fever and food poisoning have all been indicated as the source of the president's ultimately fatal gastroenteritis. A hasty snack of iced milk, cold cherries and pickles consumed at an Independence Day celebration might have been the culprit.[61] Taylor died five days later in the White House on July 9, 1850, at 10:35 p.m. (22:35).[62] In the late 1980s, author Clara Rising theorized that Taylor was murdered by poison and was able to convince Taylor's closest living relative, as well as the coroner of Jefferson County, Kentucky, Dr. Richard Greathouse, to order an exhumation. On June 17, 1991, Taylor's remains were exhumed from the vault at the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. The remains were then transported to the Office of the Kentucky Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. George Nichols. Nichols, joined by Dr. William Maples, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, removed the top of the lead coffin liner to reveal Taylor's well preserved remains. Radiological studies were conducted of the remains before small samples of hair, fingernail, and other tissues were removed. Thomas Secoy, of the Department of Veterans Affairs (and a direct descendant of Taylor's Democratic presidential opponent Lewis Cass), ensured that only those samples required for testing were removed and that the coffin was resealed. The remains were then returned to the cemetery and received appropriate honors at reinterment. The samples were sent to Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where neutron activation analysis revealed traces of arsenic, but at levels less than one percent of the level expected in a death by poisoning.[63] Warren G. Harding In June 1923, President Warren G. Harding set out on a cross-country "Voyage of Understanding", planning to meet with citizens and explain his policies. During this trip, he became the first president to visit Alaska, which was then a U.S. territory.[64] Rumors of corruption in the Harding administration were beginning to circulate in Washington by 1923, and Harding was profoundly shocked by a long message he received while in Alaska, apparently detailing illegal activities by his own cabinet that were apparently unknown to him. At the end of July, while traveling south from Alaska through British Columbia, he developed what was thought to be a severe case of food poisoning. He gave the final speech of his life to a large crowd at the University of Washington Stadium (now Husky Stadium) at the University of Washington campus in Seattle, Washington. A scheduled speech in Portland, Oregon, was canceled. The President's train proceeded south to San Francisco. Upon arriving at the Palace Hotel, he developed pneumonia. Harding died in his hotel room of either a heart attack or a stroke at 7:35 p.m. (19:35) on August 2, 1923. The formal announcement, printed in The New York Times of that day, stated: "A stroke of apoplexy was the cause of death." He had been ill exactly one week.[65] Naval physicians surmised that Harding had suffered a heart attack. The Hardings' personal medical advisor, homeopath and Surgeon General Charles E. Sawyer, disagreed with the diagnosis. His wife, Florence Harding, refused permission for an autopsy, which soon led to speculation that the President had been the victim of a plot, possibly carried out by his wife, as Harding apparently had been unfaithful to the First Lady. Gaston B. Means, an amateur historian and gadfly, noted in his book The Strange Death of President Harding (1930) that the circumstances surrounding his death led to suspicions that he had been poisoned. A number of individuals attached to him, both personally and politically, would have welcomed Harding's death, as they would have been disgraced in association by Means' assertion of Harding's "imminent impeachment". Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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