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An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E8%AD%A6%...050128704.html 警方相信女子故意爬入圓玄學院化寶爐 香港電台-港聞 •2017年9月10日 下午1:01 荃灣圓玄學院上午10時許,一名58歲女子跌入化寶爐,昏迷送往瑪嘉烈醫院救治。3名消防員在 拯救期間,因 高溫熱氣由褲管湧入,灼傷大腿受輕傷。 荃灣警區助理指揮官陳凱港表示,事主單獨到現場,並沒有帶同祭品;由於化寶爐經長時間焚燒,產 生高溫,加上 外面的圍欄受太陽直射亦非常高溫,相信女事主故意爬入化寶爐,會循自殺方向調查事件。 他表示,已聯絡事主的弟弟,對方透露事主有情緒問題。 陳凱港表示,女事主跌入化寶爐之後,陷入爐內2米半厚的灰燼;有兩名目擊市民馬上向爐內淋水。 https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E6%B6%88%...063656272.html 消防:3分鐘救出女子 化寶區灰燼400至600度 香港電台-港聞 •2017年9月10日 下午2:36 荃灣圓玄學院上午有一名女子跌入化寶爐,昏迷送院救治。3名消防員在拯救期間,因高溫熱氣由褲 管湧入,灼傷 大腿受輕傷,送院治理。 消防新界南區長梁國柱說,4名消防員當時穿著全副保護裝備,進入化寶區域進行救援。化寶區內有 1.5米深未 熄滅灰燼,要約3分鐘後才將女子救出,其中3名消防員完成工作後感覺雙腳灼痛。 被問到裝備是否不足,梁國柱說,保護裝備能承受攝氏1000度高溫約8秒,而化寶爐內的灰燼溫 度約有攝氏4 00至600度,雖然有滅火喉灌救,但消防員要站立在灰燼中進行拯救,強調絕非低估情況,裝備亦沒 有損毀。 至於58歲受傷女子,被送往瑪嘉烈醫院,其後再轉送瑪麗醫院。 https://hk.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A5%B3%...133400637.html 女子墮化寶爐命危 消防全身7%皮膚二級燒傷 [星島日報] 星島日報 2017年9月10日 下午9:34 受傷消防。 【星島日報報道】3名消防員今早到荃灣圓玄學院,拯救一名跌入化寶爐的女子時,腳部受傷送院治 理,其中1人 全身有約7%皮膚二級燒傷,目前仍然留院。至於女事主送院經搶救後,目前情況危殆。警方將案件 列作企圖自殺 處理。 據悉,其中一名受傷消防員目前留醫威爾斯親王醫院,他逗留在化寶爐內的時間最長,其小腿內側皮 膚二級燒傷, 他目前精神良好,醫生已為他清洗傷口,以防細菌感染,預料須留院一段時間。至於另外兩名消防員 分別小腿及腳 掌灼傷,經敷治後已經出院。 事發在今早10時許,警方接報指一名女子跌入化寶爐受傷昏迷,消防出動5輛消防車、5輛救護車 到場。4名消 防員進入化寶爐內,腳踩1.5米深的灰燼,耗時3分鐘將女子救起,送往瑪嘉烈醫院搶救,其後轉 送至瑪麗醫院 ,她目前情況危殆。 消息指,女事主58歲姓陳,是退休會計師,未婚,與母親居於天水圍嘉湖山莊。有目擊者表示,事 發時女事主將 攜帶的購物袋綁在圍欄上,之後爬過鐵欄及石屎圍欄,跌入化寶爐內。警方事後成功聯絡女事主家人 ,其弟弟聲稱 姊姊近日曾透露有不開心、抑鬱,現場並無遺書,案件列作企圖自殺處理。而陳母接受傳媒訪問亦表 示,女兒沒有 拜神習慣,亦無先人在圓玄學院供奉,但女兒曾透露最近睡得不好。 另外,荃灣警區助理指揮官陳凱港較早前曾表示,該3名受傷的消防員救人時,爐內高溫的熱氣從褲 管傳入,灼傷 雙腿。不過,消防區長(新界南)梁國柱其後強調,消防員當時身穿全副保護性衣物,褲管亦密封, 灰燼無法走入 褲管。不過,當時爐內有約1.5米深未熄滅的灰燼,爐內溫度高達攝氏400至600度,消防員 須站立在灰燼 中進行拯救工作。 建立時間:17:07 更新時間:21:34 化寶爐內高溫達600°C 消防否認裝備不足 [星島日報] 星島日報 2017年9月10日 下午3:33 消防區長(新界南)梁國柱。 【星島日報報道】一名58歲女子今早墮荃灣圓玄學院化寶爐,嚴重燒傷送院搶救。事故中,3名消 防員救人期間 亦告受傷,其中1人須留院。消防區長(新界南)梁國柱表示,當時化寶爐內有約1.5米深未熄滅 的灰燼,估計 爐內溫度高達攝氏400至600度,他又強調絕非低估情況,消防員的裝備亦沒有損毀。 梁國柱表示,消防於今早約10時接報,並在4分鐘後趕抵現場,4名消防員身穿全副保護性衣物及 戴上呼吸輔助 器,利用鋁梯,爬入一個面積為12米乘4.5米乘5.5米、深2.5米的化寶爐內救人。當時爐 內有未熄滅的 灰燼,約1.5米深,消防員須站立在灰燼中進行拯救工作。雖然有灑水降溫,但估計爐內溫度高達 攝氏400至 600度。消防員於3分鐘後將女傷者救出,她嚴重燒傷,經初步治理後送院搶救。 梁國柱續說,事件共出動5輛消防車、5輛救護車、54名消防員。其中3名消防員事後雙腳灼痛, 送院治理,其 中1人須留院,另外2人已經出院。他又否認消防裝備不足,強調保護裝備能抵禦攝氏1000度高 溫約8秒,而 消防員的褲管亦已經包好。 建立時間:14:33 http://www.ejinsight.com/20170911-wo...emple-furnace/ Firefighters rescue a 59-year-old woman, who threw herself into a joss paper furnace (inset) at the Yuen Yuen Institute in Tsuen Wan on Sunday. Photos: Mk2010/Wikimedia Commons / TVB News Home Hong Kong Local Sep 11, 2017 2:36pm Woman, 59, critical after failed suicide bid at temple furnace A 59-year-old woman was in critical condition in hospital after she threw herself into a joss paper furnace at a temple in Sam Dip Tam in Tsuen Wan, Apple Daily reports. Police believed the woman, surnamed Chan, had tried to end her life, although she had left no suicide note. The case was listed as attempted suicide. The incident took place at about 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, when some visitors to the Yuen Yuen Institute saw a woman jump into a furnace measuring 12 meters long and 4.5 meters wide across the parking lot, prompting them to call for help. A total of 54 firemen and paramedics arrived at the scene in about four minutes to rescue her. The furnace, used by worshippers to burn joss paper, is 2.5 meters deep; it was still aflame when the rescue team arrived. Four firemen had to wear high temperature resistant clothes and put on respirators before climbing into the furnace, while other colleagues sprayed water to cool it down. After a while, they were able to pull out the woman, who was half unconscious, and rushed her to Princess Margaret Hospital. Three of the firemen were also admitted to the hospital for burns. The woman was later transferred to Queen Mary Hospital. She was still in critical condition at press time. Investigation revealed that the woman, who lives at Kingswood Villas in Tin Shui Wai with her aged mother, retired as an office secretary a few years ago. While her mother said she is not in the habit of worshipping at temples and had no idea why she went there, a family member told police that she has been showing symptoms of depression since her retirement. Police found nothing suspicious at the scene and concluded she only went there with a shopping bag but no worship items. Founded in 1950, the Yuen Yuen Institute spreads the principles of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, upholds the eight virtues – filial piety, respect, loyalty, fidelity, propriety, justice, honesty and honor – while promoting social welfare, according to information from the website of the Hong Kong Tourism Board. – Contact us at [email protected] TL/JC/CG ![]() http://www.thestandard.com.hk/sectio...8&sid=47410565 Bizarre joss-burner suicide bid Top News | Riley Chan 11 Sep 2017 Font Font A woman is fighting for her life with third-degree burns after she jumped into a joss-paper burner at a Taoist temple in Tsuen Wan yesterday. Three firemen were injured trying to rescue her. Police are investigating whether 59-year-old retired secretary Chan Yee- nin was trying to commit suicide. Witnesses said they saw her going over a one-meter rail at the Yuen Yuen Institute in Sam Dip Tam before jumping into the burner, whose temperature was 400 to 600 degrees Celsius. The burner - measuring 12 meters by 4.5m by 2.5m and in the shape of a house - is used for burning paper offerings. Three of the four firemen who saved Chan during a three-minute rescue wore protective gear as they battled furnace- like heat. Fire Services Department officers arrived at the scene four minutes after they received a call at 10.20am. The four firemen went into the burner using an aluminum ladder and a water jet. The unconscious woman was taken to Princess Margaret Hospital and regained consciousness after emergency treatment. She was later transferred to Queen Mary Hospital, where she was in critical condition. A witness said Chan was murmuring to herself at the time. She tied her bag onto the one-meter railing, which was half a meter from the burner, before she jumped over. He said Chan peeked into the burner before climbing over the concrete wall, falling about three meters into it. "I asked her to be careful but then she just jumped in, consciously," the witness said. Chan was heard shouted for help seconds after she fell. Witnesses brought water to pour onto her, but it was of little use. The former chief director of the Fire Services Department's ambulancemen's union, Wat Kit-on, said the smoke and the chemical pigments released from the burning of paper offerings could cause damage to a person's trachea and lungs. "Internal burn injury is usually more fatal than external," Wat said. Chan's brother said her sister, who is single, had been unhappy in the past few weeks. Her mother, who lives with Chan, said she had no idea what her daughter was doing in the temple as she was not religious and they had no ancestors buried there. The woman worked as an office secretary before she retired a few years ago. She had been suffering from sleep problems in the past three weeks, her mother said. A fireman suffered second-degree burns affecting 70 percent of his legs. He was in stable condition after being transferred to Kwong Wah Hospital from Yan Chai Hospital. The other two had minor foot burns and were discharged from Yan Chai. Heat crept up their trousers, fire services divisional officer Leung Kwok-chu said. Leung said all four firemen were in full protective gear, which can withstand temperatures of up to 1,000 degrees for eight seconds. They had to stand in 400 to 600 degrees during the three-minute operation. Fifty-four firefighters and ambulance personnel in five fire appliances and five ambulances were deployed in the operation. Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com. |
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Serious HK Horror 7th month Suicide woman jumped into Joss paper furnace on last day | Sammyboy RSS Feed | Coffee Shop Talk of a non sexual Nature | 0 | 20-09-2017 04:30 PM |
Responsible Bureau Chief for Shenzhen Landslike Jumped suicide | Sammyboy RSS Feed | Coffee Shop Talk of a non sexual Nature | 0 | 29-12-2015 10:50 AM |
Responsible Bureau Chief for Shenzhen Landslike Jumped suicide | Sammyboy RSS Feed | Coffee Shop Talk of a non sexual Nature | 0 | 29-12-2015 05:20 AM |
Responsible Bureau Chief for Shenzhen Landslike Jumped suicide | Sammyboy RSS Feed | Coffee Shop Talk of a non sexual Nature | 0 | 29-12-2015 04:30 AM |
Responsible Bureau Chief for Shenzhen Landslike Jumped suicide | Sammyboy RSS Feed | Coffee Shop Talk of a non sexual Nature | 0 | 29-12-2015 03:20 AM |